Make Use Of My Services

Tailored Book List

Make use of my long history as Nerd Kid Who Reads All The Time! Tell me about a few books you've enjoyed, and I'll get back to you with a list of similar recommendations. Disponible en français.



Am I a talented poet? No. Can I make words work? Sometimes. Comission me to write either a haiku, limerick, or sonnet on a subject of your choice. Disponible en français


Haiku Limerick Sonnet
Half a sticker sheet One sticker sheet Two sticker sheets
One trinket One trinket Two trinkets
One poetry recommendation Two poetry recommendations Three poetry recommendations

TTRPG Character Concept

Just joined a new ttrpg group and found yourself tragically bereft of PC ideas? Fear not, I am plagued with ideas every day, and character creation is my true joy and passion! For an extra trinket or sticker sheet, I'll even fully write down a backstory to the best of my abilities.


Ideas Gremlin

I need not always be a provider of ideas - I'm also very talented at hyping up other people's projects. For a small payment, have your latest artistic endeavor appraised by my keen, ever-enthusiastic eyes. Whether you're looking to further enhance an existing thought or fight off creative block, you need yourself an ideas gremlin. Disponible en français.
