It's me, your local lame teen with too much time on their hands. As you know, this website is a jokey "storefront" for stuff I'm actually happy to do for little to no money - kind of the online equivalent of a kid sitting behind a cardboard box on their front lawn. If you were actually hoping to contact me with some sort of real employment offer, awesome! This isn't the right place though.
Home Page: links to all the other pages.
Wares: real physical "goods" that I make, with "price" listings for each kind of item.
Services: my talents are not limited to making trinkets! Here, find the "price" listings for stuff like a poem, a character concept, and more.
How to Contact Me: the rules about when, how, and why to email my super professional business email.
Terms and Conditions: more details on how I price my wares and services.